Computer Network

A node is any device connected to a computer network. Nodes can be computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), cell phones, or various other network appliances. On an IP network, a node is any device with an IP address.

The term client-server refers to a popular model for computer networking that utilizes client and server devices each designed for specific purposes. The client-server model can be used on the Internet as well as local area networks (LANs). Examples of client-server systems on the Internet include Web browsers and Web servers, FTP clients and servers, and DNS.

A server is a a software program, or the computer on which that program runs, that provides a specific kind of service to client software running on the same computer or other computers on a network.

A common connection point for devices in a network. Hubs are commonly used to connect segments of a LAN. A hub contains multiple ports. When a packet arrives at one port, it is copied to the other ports so that all segments of the LAN can see all packets.
network interface card (NIC):

A network interface device (NID) in the form of circuit card that is installed in an expansion slot of a computer, to provide network access. Note: Examples of NICs are cards that interface a computer with an Ethernet LAN and cards that interface a computer with an FDDI ring network.

A 'networking operating system ' is an operating system that contains components and programs that allow a computer on a network to serve requests from other computers for data and provide access to other resources such as printer and file systems.

Main or controlling computer connected to other computers or terminals to which it provides data or computing services via a network. It is similar to a server in a client-server architecture. In the modern peer to peer networking (such as networking over the Internet) every computer is a peer and also a host to every other computer connected to the network. The name reflects the biological relationship between a host and parasites.

Network Manager is a software utility aimed at simplifying the use of
computer networks on Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.
Network Manager has two components:
service which manages connections and reports network changes
graphical desktop applet which allows the user to manipulate network connections

System Unit

System Unit
The system unit is also know as the system chassis, it is a container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer systems. The most important part of our system unit is the system board as we call it as mother board.

Inside the mother board, there few things which we call it as sockets, chips, slots, bus lines.

Sockets are a key part of Unix and Windows-based operating systems. They make it easy for software developers to create network-enabled programs. Instead of constructing network connections from scratch for each program they write, developers can just include sockets in their programs. The sockets allow the programs to use the operating system's built-in commands to handle networking functions. Because they are used for a number of different network protocols (i.e. HTTP, FTP, telnet, and e-mail), many sockets can be open at one time. And it is a connection between the electricity and the computers.

A chip is a small piece of semi conducting material (usually silicon) on which an integrated circuit is embedded. A typical chip is less than ¼-square inches and can contain millions of electronic components (transistors). Computers consist of many chips placed on electronic boards called printed circuit boards. There are different types of chips. For example, CPU chips (also called microprocessors) contain an entire processing unit, whereas memory chips contain blank memory.

A slots is an opening in a computer where you can insert a printed circuit board. Slots are often called expansion slots because they allow you to expand the capabilities of a computer. The boards you insert in expansion slots are called expansion boards or add-on boards.

The bus lines are the collection of wires through which data is transmitted from one part of a computer to another. You can think of a bus as a highway on which data travels within a computer. When used in reference to personal computers, the term bus usually refers to internal bus. This is a bus that connects all the internal computer components to the CPU and main memory. There's also an expansion bus that enables expansion boards to access the CPU and memory.

Actually, the slot from the System unit as mention above provided the connection to the cards like the graphics card, sound card, modem card Network Interface Card, and also the plug and play.

A graphics card is just same as the video adapter which is A board that plugs into a personal computer to give it display capabilities. The display capabilities of a computer, however, depend on both the logical circuitry (provided in the video adapter) and the display monitor.

A sound card is an expansion board that enables a computer to manipulate and output sounds. Sound cards are necessary for nearly all CD-ROMs and have become commonplace on modern personal computers. Sound cards enable the computer to output sound through speakers connected to the board, to record sound input from a microphone connected to the computer, and manipulate sound stored on a disk.

A modem card allows users to connect to the Internet using a network. It is designed to work in laptops or desktops. A modem card can be wireless, or it can be installed inside of a user's PC. Most manufacturers provide installation guides and technical support with their modem cards, rendering them quite easy to use.

A computer network interface card (NIC) is the hardware added to the machine that allows it to communicate with the network. The hardware is now normally included with computers, especially in laptops that require wireless technology for network access. A network card is bound to an IP address, which is the address of the computer on the network. When deciding to create a large or small network, the NIC is a necessary component to consider.
Plug and Play, sometimes, abbreviated PnP, is a catchy phrase used to describe devices that work with a computer system as soon as they are connected. The user does not have to manually install drivers for the device or even tell the computer that a new device has been added. Instead the computer automatically recognizes the device, loads new drivers for the hardware if needed, and begins to work with the newly connected device.

A serial port, or interface, that can be used for serial communication, it is like a connecter for some hardware into the computer in which only 1 bit is transmitted at a time. Most serial ports on personal computers conform to the RS-232C or RS-422 standards. A serial port is a general-purpose interface that can be used for almost any type of device, including modems, mice, and printers (although most printers are connected to a parallel port).

A parallel port is a type of interface found on computers (personal and otherwise) for connecting various peripherals. In computing, a parallel port is a parallel communication physical interface. It is also known as a printer port or Centronics port. It is another head of the serial port. Which means that one is plug into the computer, another one will be plug into the hardware.

USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a hardware that common use to save the data, pictures, information and etc. Now in the market you can get it any where, and now it had a minimum of 1 gb memory, it is invented by a Malaysian. It is commonly use at office work, student work and lots of stuff need to count on USB to transfer the data and information.
Firewire port is a high-speed interface has become a hot new standard for connecting peripherals (no pun intended). Created by Apple Computer in the mid-1990's, Firewire can be used to connect devices such as digital video cameras, hard drives, audio interfaces, and MP3 players, such as the Apple iPod, to your computer. A standard Firewire connection can transfer data at 400 Mbps, which is roughly 30 times faster than USB 1.1. This blazing speed allows for quick transfers of large video files, which is great for video-editing professionals. If 400 Mbps is still not fast enough, Apple Computer released new PowerMacs with Firewire 800 ports in early 2003. These ports support data transfer rates of 800 Mbps -- twice the speed of the original Firewire standard.

The Internet, The Web and E-Commerce

Business-to-consumer is the business that sells products or provides services to end-user consumers. This is dealing between the producer and consumer. A transaction that occurs between a company and a consumer, as opposed to a transaction between companies. The term may also describe a company that provides goods or services for consumers. Business-to-business (B2B) describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contrasting terms are business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-government (B2G).

C2C refers to consumer to consumer commerce. This means that a consumer sells something to another consumer. A good example of a C2C consumer to consumer commerce website is eBay. eBay is basically an auction site that facilitates sales by one consumer to another. Traditionally, C2C consumer to consumer sales occurred at flea markets or swap events when people sold second hand goods to somebody else. These C2C consumer to consumer sales are normally once-off transactions, people had to expend a lot of time to engage in C2C commerce.

E-commerce is actually a process of buying and selling of products and services by businesses and consumers through an electronic medium, without using any paper documents. E-commerce is widely considered the buying and selling of products over the internet, but any transaction that is completed solely through electronic measures can be considered e-commerce. E-commerce is subdivided into three categories: business to business or B2B (Cisco), business to consumer or B2C (Amazon), and consumer to consumer or C2C (eBay), also called the electronic commerce.

The Internet Security Suite is a security system which protects your computer, web sites and other electronic files from attack by hackers and viruses. The Internet is, by definition, a network; networks are open, and are thus open to attack. A poor Internet security policy can result in a substantial loss of productivity and a drop in consumer confidence. There are several types of Internet Security Suite: Norton, Avira, AVG, Kaspersky, Zonealarm, Bullguard, etc.

JavaScript is a scripting language that allows you to write programs that can be executed by a scripting engine. Scripting languages such as JavaScript differ from real programming languages in that the program code is not compiled. JavaScript code is executed line by line. This means that the program runs slower. JavaScript is a very useful feature of these browsers, as it allows you to create dynamic HTML pages.

Plug-in applications are programs that can easily be installed and used as part of your Web browser. A software plug-in is an add-on for a program that adds functionality to it. Initially, the Netscape browser allowed you to download, install, and define supplementary programs that played sound or motion video or performed other functions. A plug-in application is recognized automatically by the browser and its function is integrated into the main HTML file that is being presented.

Originating from the name of Hormel's canned meat, "spam" now also refers to junk e-mail or irrelevant postings to a newsgroup or bulletin board. There are two main types of spam, and they have different effects on Internet users one is the Cancellable Usenet spam, another one will be the Usenet spam. Cancellable Usenet spam is a single message sent to 20 or more Usenet newsgroups. Usenet spam is aimed at "lurkers", people who read newsgroups but rarely or never post and give their address away. Usenet spam robs users of the utility of the newsgroups by overwhelming them with a barrage of advertising or other irrelevant posts.

Career in IT

In our world, Information Technology (IT) is important, and becomes a part of our life. A lot of people because of it’s career and study a major of IT to become an expert in the IT field.

First of all, will be the webmaster. A webmaster’s job is all about the World Wide Web, include to create a website, to maintain and update the website, to analyst the website problems and solve it as soon as possible. This job requires a wide range of skills, personal creativities, and their ability to handle their jobs.

The next career in IT will be the Technical writer. A technical writer’s job is all about writing, it can be a freelance writer, and also can be a office writer, some of them also help to be a publisher for books and articles. This job requires about the writing skill, technical skill, and also the organizing skill.

Computer support specialist is the one who help to solve the question of the users of computers. Some of them even helps to access the computer for the users. In a big company, they help to check up with the system of the computer to make sure the system and the computer software can be run smoothly. The computer support specialist needs a strong background of knowledge in computer and also the knowledge that up to date.

Another one will be the software engineer. In my opinion, a software engineer is the one who
invent and design new software which helps the field of IT and also help to repair the software that been damaged. A software engineer requires a good communication skill. He or she needs to do research and ask what is the most needed software now, they often need to explain the programming and function of the software to their clients.

A network administrator is the one who oversees the computer networks, and also install any necessary hardware and software to setup a computer. The network administrator also work with some of the company which is their network is use by unprofessional user and also the networking problem. He or she also control the user who access the website to make sure the networking is not involve in a danger situation.

Beside the careers above, a database administrator is also an important job for the field of IT. Their job is to work for company that collect a lot of the data and information of customers, clients and etc. They often set up a database the manage the information and also responsible for the those system operate smoothly. They need to make sure that the data which had been store is organize and backed up just incase anything happens.

When a company has a question about, “Hey! My company computer’s anti virus software need to be upgrade, so which software shall I buy?” This is the time that the system analyst give out their answers. A system analyst is the one giving ideas, opinion, and suggestion about the question. As a system analyst, he or she must have a strong analysis skill, to analysis what is the best for their clients and customers.

The other one of the career will be the programmer, but what is a programmer? A programmer is person who responsible for the program in the computer. If the there is a error comes out in the program, it is the job of the programmer to track the errors and solve it, he or she might also have to design a program that suit to their company.

The careers in IT is actually very huge, but the competitive are not a small number, so when you are not familiar with the system and you don’t have a good technique, you will easily defeat by others.