Career in IT

In our world, Information Technology (IT) is important, and becomes a part of our life. A lot of people because of it’s career and study a major of IT to become an expert in the IT field.

First of all, will be the webmaster. A webmaster’s job is all about the World Wide Web, include to create a website, to maintain and update the website, to analyst the website problems and solve it as soon as possible. This job requires a wide range of skills, personal creativities, and their ability to handle their jobs.

The next career in IT will be the Technical writer. A technical writer’s job is all about writing, it can be a freelance writer, and also can be a office writer, some of them also help to be a publisher for books and articles. This job requires about the writing skill, technical skill, and also the organizing skill.

Computer support specialist is the one who help to solve the question of the users of computers. Some of them even helps to access the computer for the users. In a big company, they help to check up with the system of the computer to make sure the system and the computer software can be run smoothly. The computer support specialist needs a strong background of knowledge in computer and also the knowledge that up to date.

Another one will be the software engineer. In my opinion, a software engineer is the one who
invent and design new software which helps the field of IT and also help to repair the software that been damaged. A software engineer requires a good communication skill. He or she needs to do research and ask what is the most needed software now, they often need to explain the programming and function of the software to their clients.

A network administrator is the one who oversees the computer networks, and also install any necessary hardware and software to setup a computer. The network administrator also work with some of the company which is their network is use by unprofessional user and also the networking problem. He or she also control the user who access the website to make sure the networking is not involve in a danger situation.

Beside the careers above, a database administrator is also an important job for the field of IT. Their job is to work for company that collect a lot of the data and information of customers, clients and etc. They often set up a database the manage the information and also responsible for the those system operate smoothly. They need to make sure that the data which had been store is organize and backed up just incase anything happens.

When a company has a question about, “Hey! My company computer’s anti virus software need to be upgrade, so which software shall I buy?” This is the time that the system analyst give out their answers. A system analyst is the one giving ideas, opinion, and suggestion about the question. As a system analyst, he or she must have a strong analysis skill, to analysis what is the best for their clients and customers.

The other one of the career will be the programmer, but what is a programmer? A programmer is person who responsible for the program in the computer. If the there is a error comes out in the program, it is the job of the programmer to track the errors and solve it, he or she might also have to design a program that suit to their company.

The careers in IT is actually very huge, but the competitive are not a small number, so when you are not familiar with the system and you don’t have a good technique, you will easily defeat by others.